Helping Conservatives in Wyoming


What We Do
LP4U PAC’s mission has been created to help those Wyoming candidates exhibiting virtuous liberty, and their commitment to conforming to moral and ethical principles, and freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.

Why We Fight
LP4U PAC will help lead the battle for sound money, limited government, and fidelity to our Constitution. LP4U PAC’s mission is to support and elect Pro-Life, Pro-Liberty, Pro-Constitution candidates in Wyoming.

Who We Support
Nearly every candidate from both parties gives lip service to spending restraint, but LP4U PAC searches for candidates who will join our fight to secure Liberty and Freedom in Wyoming, smaller government, lower taxes, and sound money principles. LP4U PAC understands that politicians in Wyoming are threatening our way of life by over-taxing, overspending, and routinely ignoring the Constitution.

Fund the Fight
Contribute today. Every dollar counts and with your help we can continue the fight for liberty and upholding the Constitution in Wyoming.